Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y la Música. Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Gobierno de España.


This section enables you to see the two most important halls in the National Music Auditorium from two different points of view: from a seat or from the centre of the stage.

By selecting one of the options (seat view simulator or 360° virtual tour) you will be shown a page with three large blocks:

  • Simulated view from a block of seats: place the mouse pointer to the left or right of the picture and you will see that the camera goes full circle from that position, allowing you to see the whole hall.
  • Hall section selector: on the right, there is a floor plan of the hall you have selected. Click on the "Undo selection" button and then select a small section with the mouse. Wait for a few seconds and you will then see the new uploaded picture to your left.
  • Rows and seats shown: a list which includes the seats which have the most similar view to that shown in the uploaded picture. They are directly related to the section selected in the plan on the right.